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Monday 7 July 2014

5 Things You Should Never Do To Your Partner

Have you ever reasoned out that our actions, little as it could be or seem sometimes, could actually be our greatest undoing and the cause for everlasting regret?
Do you aspire to live happily ever after with that Romeo or Julliet of yours?

Here are five (5) things you never should do to your partner to enjoy a blissful and peaceful marital sojourn.

Comparing Your Partner With Someone Else
It is never a good or brilliant idea to compare your partner with
another person. Whether for fun sake, complimentary sake, derisory
sake or spiteful sake, it doesn't always go down well with the
significant other and it doesn't end well as well, too. If anything, it
creates an impression of your partner being inadequate and it's nothing
but a recipe for emotional demarcation and a drifting connection. Just
so you know, a negative comparison with your ex (probably how he buys
you islands, jets, Egyptian hair, Mexican shirts or how sweet her voice
is, etc) is simply a good way to worsen your relationship; and next
time you experience such urge, bite your tongue (real hard) for 10

Constant Lies
Lies are never welcome guests in a relationship. They only breed
distrust, hurt and irritation. Seriously, the way some lie, even the
devil would be forced to marvel. Building a relationship on the
foundation of lies; moulding and patching it with lies, would only end
up crumbling on lies and probably crushing a life.

Being An Irritable Source Of Nagging
Every person looks towards his/her partner as a source of happiness
when sad, comfort when distressed, calm when angry, encouragement
when down, and smile when stressed up. However, no one enjoys being
in the presence of someone who nags one like (s)he is under the
influence of some territorial powers. Frustrating the life out of your
partner is a liberal invitation for emotional distantness and eventual

Showing Your Partner Little or No Respect
Respect for your partner here doesn't imply reverencing him/her like:
His royal majesty or Her royal highness, etc. It means giving him/
her regard by not doing the things that (s)he detest.

Badmouthing Him/Her To Others
Involving a third, fourth or hundredth party in your relationship
should always be done with caution and prudence. The 'who' to tell and
'what' to say could make or mar your relationship. However,
constantly badmouthing and negatively painting your partner bad to
outsiders not only hurt your partner when they have the knowlegde of
your action and words but ultimately sacrifices the relationship on the
alter of unwise behaviour. If, as a matter of fact, you discover that
you can't just break the habit or you seem to derive some pleasure from
this, you might need more than a deliverance, you need a total
If you've been engaged in any of the above or have a contrary opinion,
kindly share your thoughts.

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